
Friday bunnyblogging

I said I wanted radicchio, not the same baby arugula again!

…to be fair, Noe will snarf up just about any vegetable matter.

Florida outdoors

Plants on Caladesi Island

On our recent trip to Caladesi Island, I tried to do a better job of taking photos than I usually do. The birding wasn’t great when we were there, so I had time to take some photos of plants.

Some of my attempts at photography were pretty mixed, as seen in this attempted close-up shot:

Wax myrtle (I think).

This plant I didn’t want to get too close to, but the photo turned out fine anyway. Cute little flowers.

Poison ivy.

I had more luck with some of the smaller plants. This lupine was pretty- a patch of it was blooming along the trail, with bees buzzing all around:

Sky-blue lupine.

Then there were some tiny succulents along dips in the trail:

Water hyssop.

I’m not sure about the identification about some of these the species we saw. I think the pines were longleaf pines, but I’m not 100% sure. Here’s a young one:

Longleaf pine?

Then there was one shrub that I though would be really easy to identify from the photos, and apparently is not. It was growing along the trail next to buttonwood and mangrove, so I’m assuming there was a fair amount of brackish groundwater there. These look like pretty old flowers. At first, I thought the yellow parts were a keel-like structure, as in the Fabaceae (pea family), but now that I look at the photo again, it looks like there are some shriveled up petals in there too. So I’m drawing a blank on this one. Any suggestions?

Mystery plant.

Friday bunnyblogging

Noe recently had to go to the vet for a checkup. Everyone at the vet’s office keeps commenting that she is SO well-behaved when she’s being handled and SUCH a sweet rabbit.

Noe in her carrier. (Photo: Y. Fernandez)

Needless to say, she is not nearly as cooperative when being “handled” at home.

Note the ear posture in the next photo. This is her “I’m slightly freaked out right now” expression.

One ear on the photographer and one on the door the vet comes through. (Photo: Y. Fernandez)

Anyway, she checked out okay- her arthritis is just a bit worse, which is to be expected. The vet has been suggesting acupuncture or swim therapy for her, which we haven’t turned to yet…

Florida outdoors

Hiking Caladesi Island

Over Spring Break, we took a day trip to Caladesi Island, which is a barrier island just north of Clearwater Beach. The island has a dynamic history- it was originally connected to what is now the further-north Honeymoon Island, but a 1921 hurricane dug a channel between the two islands, separating them. Then a 1985 hurricane created a sandbar connecting Caladesi to Clearwater Beach. So technically, it’s not really an island at the present.

Caladesi Island map, from Note the prominent lack of a sandbar connecting the state park to the beach to the south. I'm sure this helps maintain visitor fee revenue, which I have no problem with in principle.

Both Caladesi and Honeymoon Islands contain state parks– you can drive to Honeymoon, and Caladesi is accessible by ferry from there. We took the ferry over in the morning, and did some hiking and hanging out on the beach before heading back.

Longleaf pines and saw palmetto along the trail.

The trails in the island’s interior go through some scrub areas, as well as longleaf pine forest and mangroves. It was cool enough that we weren’t being blasted in the sun, though the shady forest trail was definitely refreshing. We actually got a bit of rain off and on, which was fine.

Florida’s an interesting place to hike, because you have really dry, sandy soil that supports different vegetation communities with really small changes in elevation. While most of the trail was dry, there were muddy areas with mangroves and wetland plants in places where the ground dipped down only a few feet.

There was prickly pear cactus in the drier parts of the island.

The scrub areas were perfect for gopher tortoises, and sure enough, we saw one munching away on grass near the trail. It seemed pretty used to people- we stopped and mutually stared at one another for a while, then it went on eating away. Maybe it was hungry after the morning’s rain.

Nom, nom, nom.

We also got to see a halo around the sun, which was pretty cool. I wasn’t sure this photo would turn out, but it shows up pretty well. (For more on halos, sun dogs, and other types of atmospheric phenomena, click on that link. That website is a really cool resource.)

All in all, it was a good way to relax and unwind before getting back to work.

22 degree sun halo. (Image: Y. Fernandez)

Easter bunnyblogging

Easter is the traditional rabbity holiday, so here’s Noe enjoying the day after getting to share some mango with us.

Rabbit on plate
Ahh, this plate is nice and cool.
bunny environment

Climate change is killing the Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny’s a rabbit, but what kind of rabbit? There are over 20 species of rabbit, and they have a few dozen more cousins, the hares and pikas. Maybe different regions have different “Easter Bunnies,” with snowshoe hares bopping along with frozen chocolate eggs in Arctic North America and desert cottontails keeping their sugary snacks cool in burrows in the desert Southwest.

Now where should I put these eggs?
(Image: Gerbil/Wikipedia)

This graphic from Climate Nexus points out that at least five Easter Bunny candidates are threatened with extinction because of climate change.

  • The Mexican volcano rabbit (seriously! a volcano rabbit!)
  • The Florida Keys marsh rabbit
  • The snowshoe hare
  • The pygmy rabbit
  • The American pika

Each of these species is threatened by different factors: increasing temperatures, rising sea level, changing weather patterns, etc. This lagomorph mass extinction could have devastating effects on this important holiday of fertility and sweets!

No more candy for you!
(Pygmy rabbit, Image: BLM/Wikipedia)

Won’t somebody think of the children, and save the Easter Bunny?