About me
I teach and conduct research on technical and scientific communication, as well as information visualization for the digital humanities.
I am an associate professor of Technical Communication at the University of Central Florida. I am also a faculty member in UCF’s interdisciplinary Texts and Technology PhD program and faculty member of UCF Coastal: National Center for Integrated Coastal Research.
My current research focuses on how technologies affect individuals’ understanding of nature and how people’s lived experience of risk affects natural hazard planning. Most recently, I have been wrapping up my work on a multi-year collaborative funded project using user-centered design to help build a tool for communicating about housing-related natural hazards. More information on my research projects is here.
I teach courses related to technical communication, user-centered design, and digital humanities. More information on my teaching is here.
I have a PhD in Texts and Technology from the University of Central Florida, and a MS in Botany and Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology and BS in Biology with a minor in Music from the University of Hawaii at Mānoa.
For more about my work
- My CV is here
- My Google Scholar profile
- My ORCID profile
- I’m happy to share pdfs of my publications: just email me (sonia.stephens@ucf.edu)
What’s with the URL?
For those who are interested, my URL is based on Terpsinoe musica, a diatom species whose pseudosepta look like little musical notes. Terpsinoe is also the name of my pet rabbit, featured in the Friday Bunnyblogging posts that are part of my graduate school-era blog, now archived here.