
Friday bunnyblogging

No one ever told Noe not to stretch out like this right after eating. Must be the kanak attack!


Friday bunnyblogging

The other day, Noe decided to start a redecorating project after getting her morning pellets.

I was bored, and you hadn't given me a vegetable yet. What was I supposed to do?
I was bored, and you hadn’t given me a vegetable yet. What was I supposed to do?

She managed to completely rearrange the newspaper in the bottom of her cage in about fifteen minutes. If only we could harness her awesome destructive power for good…


Friday bunnyblogging

Noe loves her neckrubs.

Ahh, yes, right there.
Ahh, yes, right there.

It’s a bit weird that a prey animal with a fairly fragile neck enjoys this so much. I guess we can assume that she trusts us a bit after nearly 11(!) years.

Is that the flash? This is so annoying!
Is that the flash? You are so annoying!

Friday bunnyblogging

Napping up on a chair, but under the table, is the best of both worlds. The “under shelter” and “off the ground” worlds, that is.

Nice comfortable chair.
Nice comfortable chair.

She likes to hop from one chair to the other when the urge strikes.


Friday bunnyblogging

Noe spends a lot of time lounging near the kitchen, where she can get underfoot when she sees us head toward the fridge.

Noe surveys her domain.
Noe surveys her domain.

This spot also has the benefit of keeping an eye (or ear) on most of the apartment. It’s apparently very important to know where the humans are at all times.


Friday bunnyblogging

Noe likes to participate in our Sunday morning New York Times reading ritual.

The business section might trigger her narcolepsy- we're not sure.
The business section might trigger her narcolepsy- we’re not sure.

She prefers the magazine, because it tastes the best.


Friday bunnyblogging

Only very secure rabbits nap in such an unguarded fashion:

Dreaming of fields of parsley, no doubt.
Dreaming of fields of parsley, no doubt.

Yes, that’s fur on the bed around her. Noe likes to lounge there a lot.

bunny environment evolution

Friday bunnyblogging: snowshoe hares & climate change

There’s an old saying about the leopard not being able to change its spots. But snowshoe hares do it twice a year: replacing a thick white winter coat with a lighter brown summer coat.

Summer-coated snowshoe hare (Image: Walter Siegmund).

European rabbits, which is what Noe is, don’t do this- she does shed twice a year, but her fur is the same color each time.

Winter-coated hare (Image: D. Gordon E. Robertson).

For hares, the timing of the coat replacements is roughly correlated with snowfall, and it’s easy to picture how a white coat helps camouflage them in winter and a brown one in summer. But there’s a problem: climate change means that seasons are shifting, so their white coats come in too soon and stay too long. This is a big problem for the hares: white makes them stand out to predators on a brown (or green) background.

In theory, natural selection will weigh heavily on hares in the years to come: the hares that have coat-changing cycles that more closely match snowfall will survive, while those with the older cycle will probably be eaten. Over time, the hare population will adapt to the new seasons. But there are two big IFs here: this will only happen IF the seasonal changes happen slowly enough so that the hares have time to adapt, and IF all the hares aren’t preyed upon faster than the survivors can have babies.

Because hares breed like…rabbits (sorry, couldn’t resist the cliche), they will probably be okay in the long term. But there are many, many other species for whom rapid climate change will create insurmountable problems in the decades to come.

For more on the story, go here:


Friday wombatblogging

It’s been a pretty relaxing week for Noe, other than having to stay in her cage during the day a few times when the maintenance guys were scheduled to fix a few things. She does not care for that at all. Much shredding of paper has occurred.

Other than the unexpected confinement, there has been a lot of hanging out on the porch and getting yummy veggies from the garden.

Instead of Noe napping peacefully, I present a video of a man and a baby wombat. Shows that you do not need a placenta to be cute 🙂


Friday bunnyblogging

Spring has officially arrived, and Noe seems to appreciate the sunshine.


She didn’t seem to appreciate last weekend’s intense thunderstorm though- she hates thunder, and does not care for hail.

Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.