bunny Florida gardening

A new year, and yet more collard greens

Well, it’s a new year, and I forgot to post the first Friday bunnyblogging for January. I’ll have to try to get some good photos of Noe for this week’s post. I did go to the garden today to check things out (we’ve been out of town for a few days) and gather some veggies for the next few days, so she got some of those to snack on.

Happy turnips…

Weed growth is way down over the winter, though still no freeze. In fact, it’s been in the mid to upper 70s this week, and isn’t really forecast to get cold anytime soon. I’d really like to plant some of the new seeds we got- all cool weather plants- but I’m hesitating because it is after all still January. The new things I’d like to try out are red oak leaf lettuce, arugula, beets, radicchio, and nasturtium (though I believe the last is pretty weedy, so we’ll have to keep an eye on it). Speaking of weedy, the mint seems to love the cool weather:

Ominous tentacles of mint.
Ominous tendrils of mint.

As expected, the collards are also quite happy. We’ll have to do a big trimming this weekend. The carrots are not turning out as expected- they’re producing lots of leaves, but not very large carrots. Not sure why that’s the case.

Carrots and collards
Carrots and collards

Two of the remaining pak choi are blooming, and it’s neat to see how quickly they change shape. Bolting makes them tough and not good to eat, so I’m planning on just leaving them there. The bees seem to like the flowers.

Bolting pak choi.
Bolting pak choi.

The new mini-patch of radishes is being overshaded a bit too much by the collards, but two were pretty much big enough to harvest today. These are round red ones, unlike the last batch which were long and red. They seem to be doing well in the cooler weather, so we may plant a few more. Not really my favorite veggie (unless pickled) but Yan likes them (unless pickled).

Little radish, peeking out.
Little radish, peeking out.

So I collected a little bit of several things for this week, and brought them home. As I was washing them in the kitchen, Noe was napping on one of the chairs under the dining room table- her usual spot. Seems it was just too much effort to leap off the chair and beg in the kitchen, so she started to gnaw on the table to let me know that she needed a sample. Of course, I gave her something- some fragrant cilantro and a bit of pak choi. Spoiled bunny.

Italian parsley & cilantro, eggplant, misome, mint, carrots, radishes, collards, and pak choi.
Italian parsley & cilantro, eggplant, misome, mint, carrots, radishes, collards, and pak choi.

Friday bunnyblogging

Noe is glad we’re back from vacation. Although she does just fine with her bunnysitter, she seems to get lonely when we’re gone.

I'm waiting for you to feed me here.
It’s good that you’re back.

Of course, sometimes we wonder if she really enjoys our company, or whether it’s just important for her to have someone around to feed her whenever she asks for food.

And I’m so hungry.

She certainly hasn’t forgotten the 10 p.m. pellets time, though she keeps trying to push it up to 9 p.m. (she really hates Daylight Savings Time).

It’s been over 15 minutes since I had a snack!

Yes, it’s hard to tell if we’re really just automatic food dispensers to her…

You can pet me when I’m done eating.

…though with the amount of petting she’s demanded, that’s probably not the case.


Friday bunnyblogging

I don’t really have time for something clever this week, so here’s a Noe photo rerun with a bad holiday-related pun:

Sandy Claws.
Sandy Claws.

Honestly, I’m too lazy to Photoshop a hat and beard onto her, so this will be my minimalist seasonal post.


Friday bunnyblogging

I may have posted this photo before- it’s from a few years ago. But it perfectly illustrates the effects of bunny boredom.

Note the faux-innocent look.

We had a mini-recap of this this morning- Noe got to spend the night outside of her cage, and when she woke us up at sunrise by ripping on a cardboard box in our room, she got locked out. She expressed her displeasure by digging up her litter boxes in the bathroom and scattering all the contents over the bathroom floor.

I bet she had fun.


Friday bunnyblogging

Noe’s been enjoying the cool fall weather and warm slanting sun on the porch during the day.

As usual, she enjoys sleeping under a chair, but up off the ground.

Of course, she doesn’t appreciate being bothered by photographers during her naps. But she takes the opportunity to do a little grooming.

Check out the bunny tongue.

Life is so hard when you’re a spoiled bunny.


Friday bunnyblogging

Noe gets to sample the garden produce. Here she is with some pak choy:

Nom nom nom…

I’m sure she appreciates the freshness!


Friday bunnyblogging

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, Noe is a pretty clean creature. She’s constantly bathing and grooming herself. It’s especially interesting to watch her wash her ears. They’re quite flexible.

First wet the paws…

(As an aside, she likes to sit near the shelf that we keep our plastic bag recycling on. Hence the background.)

… it seems the paparazzi are interrupting her bath.

We took these photos a few weeks ago, when she had some allergies. So her eyes are a bit pink.

Wash the forehead…

It’s a bit hard to make out, but her sense of balance is a bit off since she’s had the arthritis. So she sits further back on her rump than she used to.

Here she’s balancing on her heels and tail.

Bath all done- now time to see if the humans will give her a snack.

And she’s conveniently located near the fridge, too.

Friday bunnyblogging

Noe had to have her ears cleaned out today. As you can imagine, it’s a traumatic experience.

Later, she had to nap on the chair farthest away from the cruel human in order to express her displeasure.

She got a bunny biscuit and a carrot afterward, but she’s still pretty grumpy about it.


Friday bunnyblogging

Rabbits are ground-dwelling animals, right? They like to be able to run in any direction, so they’re cautious about their surroundings, right? They have poor eyesight and easily-damaged backs, so don’t want to risk falling…right?

Hmm. This is an interesting perspective on my hay pile.

Noe is such a jerk at times. She doesn’t actually jump from this height, but there’s always the chance that she’ll get startled and make a stupid move.

Arthritis, you say? Why should jumping from heights be a problem for me?

…And yes, after this photo was taken, she did start nibbling on the poster on the wall.


Friday bunnyblogging

Noe had her semi-annual physical this week, and came back with a clean bill of health. Her arthritis seems to have stabilized, as long as she gets medication every other day. Her vision’s not too great- which unfortunately makes her more prone to being startled from sleep and dashing off stupidly. But she’s doing pretty well while entering her second decade.

Celebrating her successful vet visit with the latest Audubon magazine.