
Friday bunnyblogging: Noe’s many interests (part 4)

Go, speed bunny, go!

Today, we’re up to #4 in our Noe behavior series: frolicking! To recap:

  1. gnawing
  2. eating
  3. exploring
  4. frolicking
  5. napping
  6. pooping
  7. digging
  8. getting the humans’ attention
  9. warning the humans of danger

Sadly, I do not have any photos of Noe frolicking behavior. We didn’t take many photos of it when she was young, and now that she’s older her nutty bounding around has definitely tapered off. Luckily, there are plenty of frolicking bunny videos on YouTube… though I’m not sure why so many of them have soundtracks attached. (Edit to add: you’ll have to click through to YouTube to watch this video, apparently b/c of the soundtrack.)

Bunny frolicking includes mad dashing around, head tossing, and “binkys”- those laps and flips you see in the video. Young rabbits can keep up this sort of thing for a while, but nowadays Noe will generally do a few laps around a room, toss a few half-binkys in there, and then lay down to rest. It is pretty cool that she’s almost 9 and still doing this sort of thing!

I guess playing with toys also fits into the “frolicking” category. I do have a photo of her napping after playing with one of her ring toys. (Trust me, I will have plenty of photos for next week’s “napping” post.) So, here is Noe post-frolic:

Yes, we did clip her nails after looking at this photo...

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